the thoughtful idealist

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INFPs and relationships

People with INFP preferences are sensitive and deeply reflective. They often take a while to open up to people and tend to be very selective about who they let in to their inner world.

While they may seem hard to reach, INFPs often have a strong internal desire to make a difference in the lives of the people they care about. They tend to become very close with people they feel they can trust and rely on.

INFPs and conflict

INFPs are often able to intuitively understand the dynamics of a group, even when they’ve only just met the people involved. This allows them to easily “read the room.”

In general, INFPs tend to confront conflict head-on, raising problems or issues with others as they come up. However, they can sometimes be indirect when it comes to completely resolving the issue.

If you have INFP preferences, you can minimize conflict in your relationships by:

  • Communicating what you want from others clearly and directly. Otherwise, your wants or needs may be misunderstood, causing the conflict to go on longer than necessary.
  • Taking a moment to understand the other person’s view. Just as you tend to be led by your own values, other people may have different values. Take care not to dismiss them.
  • Following a conflict through to resolution. When you think something is resolved, check in with the other person to make sure they feel the same way before moving on.

INFP and love

People with INFP preferences aren’t known for dating around. Instead, they tend to choose a partner based on mutual trust and shared values. Because they’re always looking to the future, they often see the potential for long-term partnership in their relationships.

INFPs are often very selective about who they share their innermost feelings with, so it may take them a long time to let a potential partner in. Once they’re in a relationship they are empathetic, dedicated, and loyal. They tend to be very in tune with their partner’s feelings and will often put a great deal of thought and effort into helping their partner achieve their goals.

Want to improve your relationships and learn more about your personality type? Take the MBTI® assessment here and receive our personal development course on getting along included with your purchase.

INFP and parenting

The MBTI® framework can be very helpful when it comes to raising children. Knowledge of your own communication habits, stress triggers, and preferences often makes parenting easier. By integrating an awareness of differences into family life, the whole family can benefit from these insights.

Parents with INFP preferences are generally seen by their family as collaborative, considerate, and outwardly decisive. Unless they’re stressed, that is.

INFPs might feel stressed if their children prevent them from exploring their own individuality. They tend to dislike mundane childcare work or being rushed.

If you have INFP preferences and you think your child shares your Intuition and Feeling preferences, this can help you to understand how your child takes in information and makes decisions—both of which are important for how you communicate as a parent. If you think your child’s preferences are different than yours, self-awareness will help you to change your communication and parenting style to better suit those preferences.

INFPs and friendship

As friends, people with INFP preferences tend to value authenticity and depth above all else. They will often reserve their true personality—their innermost self—for a select few people.

INFPs are usually great listeners. Although they can inject themselves into a friend’s life quite a lot to try to help them, they are intuitive about what their friends need and will take a step back if needed.