the thoughtful idealist

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INFP and careers

INFPs at work

When choosing a career path, people with INFP preferences love to help other people develop and learn. They want their work to have meaning and enjoy working with a group of like-minded people on a shared goal.

INFPs are natural writers and visual artists. If they don’t explore a career in the arts, they often find ways to incorporate these skills into their daily work.

When they’re faced with a dilemma, INFPs tend to hold their team or company accountable to their mission. They remind others of their core values and help to find new approaches and new ways of doing things.

Career trends for INFPs

People with INFP preferences like to make a difference. While INFPs tend to prefer thoughtful work that lets them make a difference behind the scenes, they also want to see that the work they’re doing is improving things for the people in their community.

Leadership graphic

Leadership style of INFPs

Despite their grand plans and desire to help others, INFPs don’t often take up leadership roles at work. Only about 3% of leaders throughout the world have INFP preferences.

People with INFP preferences have a strong desire to help other people grow, which makes them impactful and inspiring leaders in creative or low-stress roles. Their leadership style tends to be firmly rooted in values and standards rather than discipline and hierarchy.

As leaders, INFPs encourage their teams to find creative solutions and consider different approaches before settling on a course of action. However, they may have a tendency to preach their views, which others may find irritating or stressful. They also tend to internalize stress and conflict, which could mean they start to take things personally or feel sorry for themselves when things get tough.

INFPs on a team

INFPs enjoy the community and collaboration that comes with teamwork, but they tend to be slow to open up and express their own views. Once they have a solid foundation of trust (and, most importantly, a shared goal), INFPs often become driven by the communal atmosphere.

INFPs typically prefer to work independently. However, they enjoy having a trusted colleague to bounce ideas off or a small team of individuals working on their own toward a common goal.

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