the logical pragmatist

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ISTP strengths and weaknesses

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ISTPs at their best

People with ISTP preferences are able to rise to just about any occasion with seemingly little effort—and they often save time and resources along the way! Rather than focusing on future goals or planning an overview, they will often find the most efficient course of action to complete an immediate task or resolve a pressing issue.

ISTPs tend to avoid drama and don’t like to burden others, so they will work independently to make other people’s lives easier.

Potential development areas for ISTPs

Because they’re so focused on immediate results and quick fixes, ISTPs often overlook the wider context. While this isn’t always an issue, it can become a problem if they shut down other people’s concerns or opinions about how to do things.

ISTPs may find it difficult to accept feedback and critique. As a result, they may diminish the opinions of others. They also like a lot of alone time, so they may not always follow through on projects where they need to work closely with others.

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ISTPs and stress

People with ISTP preferences may find social situations stressful. They dislike small talk or listening to the personal problems of people they don’t know well. They also tend to avoid forced social interactions or gatherings because these can make them uncomfortable.

At work, people with ISTP preferences get stressed when other people ignore their advice, question their expertise, or dismiss their practical assessments. They tend to prefer calm, quiet working environments and may find loud noises and interruptions incredibly distracting.

If you have ISTP preferences, try these simple strategies to balance your feelings during times of stress: