the versatile supporter

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ISFP strengths and weaknesses

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ISFPs at their best

People with ISFP preferences enjoy facilitating meetings between like-minded people. They prefer to shine the spotlight on others rather than taking center stage themselves. They like to find and explore similarities and commonalities between even the most diverse groups of people, and they treat others with kindness and consideration.

ISFPs are good at anticipating the needs of others. While they enjoy helping others, they have little interest in controlling or influencing other people’s decisions.

Potential development areas for ISFPs

While ISFPs tend to be deeply caring and considerate, their desire for freedom can make them seem a bit unreliable or indecisive to others sometimes—especially when they’re under stress.

Their unassertive nature means that ISFPs might not handle criticism well. They may even internalize negative feedback and see it as a personal attack. And, because they’re often hesitant to share their own accomplishments, they might be disappointed when others don’t notice them.

Want to build your confidence and emphasize your strengths? Take the MBTI® assessment here and receive our personal development course on confidence for free with your purchase.

ISFPs and stress

People with ISFP preferences feel stressed when others dismiss how they feel or disregard their experiences. They don’t like being interrupted or feeling pressured at work, and they generally feel stressed when they’re asked to stick to a strict schedule or meet a demanding deadline.

Generally, ISFPs are likely to get stressed if they feel that too much is happening at once and they can’t give everyone and everything the attention it deserves.

If you have ISFP preferences, try these simple strategies to balance your feelings during times of stress: