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INTJs and careers

INTJs at work

People with INTJ preferences want to feel needed at work. They don’t tend to do well in careers that have no specific purpose. They like to solve problems, so many INTJs choose a career path that allows them to do just that.

Because they’re so analytical and interested in complex systems (both theoretical and literal), INTJs are best suited to fields that examine data, structures, or concepts. Computer programming, engineering, and running a business are all popular fields for INTJs. Some people with INTJ preferences also choose more creative careers—such as those in writing or film—because they like to use their visionary minds to create their own worlds.

Career trends for INTJs

INTJs enjoy career paths that challenge them intellectually and give them a feeling of purpose. They do well when working toward measurable achievements and rewards. INTJs tend to be happy in any career that allows them to analyze a system, understand how it works, and try to make it better.

Leadership graphic

Leadership style of INTJs

People with INTJ preferences tend to make strong leaders. However, their independence and unpredictability sometimes mean they aren’t interested in leadership roles.

INTJs make up only a moderate percentage of the world’s leaders. When they do accept a leadership position, they’re typically looking for something other than power or control. For example, they may take on a leadership position because they feel that they know the most logical way to get things done, rather than because they want to lead or influence others.

INTJs on a team

INTJs enjoy the collaborative, social aspect of being part of a team, but they sometimes struggle to share their ideas or actually work with others. They tend to do best on a team that allows them to discuss how things should be done with clear, honest communication at the start of a project, then go away for a while to complete the work independently.

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