the enthusiastic improvisor

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ESFPs and relationships

ESFPs take a while to pin down, and as friends or romantic partners they’re seen as spontaneous and exciting. They care deeply about what others think and they want to make people happy. But they also tend to have a lot of people in their lives and have to spread their time around.

While this may stress some people out or make them feel neglected, the right friends and partners for an ESFP will understand their need to socialize and try new things. Those people will appreciate the time they do spend together even more.


ESFPs are very skilled at minimizing conflict, whether they’re involved or not. Because they’re the Feeling and Perceiving types, ESFPs feel things very deeply and often internalize other people’s pain.

This makes them want to resolve a conflict right away. They can often get to the underlying cause and hear both sides, and by providing a warm and understanding ear, ESFPs are often able to calm people down. However, more serious personality types may feel that ESFPs aren’t truly listening to them, which could lead to frustration and more conflict.

If conflicts arise, ESFPs can minimize them by:

  • Staying focused long enough to hear both sides, even if it’s difficult.
  • Reminding themselves that not everything is going to be fun all the time, and that serious issues need facing sometimes.
  • Gauging the situation to see what others need. Then they can provide signature blend of warmth and compassion if that’s what the conflict calls for.

ESFP and love

In romantic relationships, ESFPs are incredibly affectionate and loving. These aren’t the types to jump right into a committed relationship, however. ESFPs enjoy getting to know lots of different types of people. They don’t like being tied down to any one situation right away, which could make them unwilling to commit to a serious relationship.

Once they find the right person, ESFPs are loyal and dedicated. The right partner for an ESFP will respect their boundaries, be ready for lots of spontaneous adventures and keep them grounded when they need stability.

Want to improve your relationships and learn more about your personality type? Take the MBTI® assessment here and receive our personal development course on Getting Along included with your purchase.

ESFP and parenting

Knowing your MBTI® personality type gives you a distinct advantage when it comes to raising your children. Understanding your communication habits, stress triggers, values, and how your personality is similar or different from your children helps make the whole parenting process easier.

A parent with ESFP preferences is fun and easygoing and genuinely enjoys playing with their children. They have an appreciation for life that carries over to their children, and their spontaneous nature provides lots of long-lasting memories for them.

ESFP parents will likely feel stressed when their children have extreme emotions that they don’t know how to handle. Children wanting parents to commit to things like play dates or rigorous sports schedules can also cause stress. Knowing stress triggers is important because parents need to be able to care for themselves to best care for their children.

If an ESFP thinks their child’s preferences are similar to their own (especially when it comes to the Sensing and Feeling preferences), they can better understand how their child takes in information and makes decisions – both very important in terms of parental communication.

If an ESFP thinks their child’s preferences are different than theirs (especially if they have an Intuition or Thinking preference), they’ll have the knowhow to change their communication and parenting style to better suit their child’s preferences. Parents can “speak their child’s language.”

By integrating awareness of differences into family life, the whole family will benefit from the insights, just as individuals benefit from turning personality knowledge into action.

ESFP and friendship

ESFPs are some of the most fun friends to have. As a friend, they’re spontaneous and loyal. Friends likely appreciate how much ESFPs love life and enjoy its simple pleasures. Things like going on a road trip or having dinner at the usual restaurant become more exciting with an ESFP.

Because many ESFPs have a lot of friends from different groups, they’ll want to work hard to make them each feel important. Otherwise, they’ll risk hurting more sensitive friends’ feelings.