the supportive contributor

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ESFJ strengths and weaknesses

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ESFJs at their best

People with ESFJ preferences are often the caretakers of their family or workplace. They tend to spend most of their time thinking about how they can make other people feel special, uphold family traditions, and ensure that everyone in the group gets along.

In a group, they are usually the person who plans activities, remembers everyone’s birthday, and keeps everyone feeling like they’re a part of the group. They’re the connecting link that holds everyone else together.

Potential development areas for ESFJs

Because they’re so concerned about maintaining order and closeness within a group, ESFJs can sometimes push other people away. They sometimes worry so much about what will happen without them that they don’t give others the chance to prove themselves.

Conversely, they tend to get so wrapped up in the needs of others that they forget to take care of themselves. This can lead to them feeling unappreciated.

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ESFJs and stress

People with ESFJ preferences are traditionalists at heart. They may become stressed when it feels like things are moving or changing too quickly. They also dislike too much alone time and can become stressed if it seems like people are growing apart or going their separate ways.

ESFJs tend to become worried and upset if they unintentionally hurt someone’s feelings or forget an important occasion. They may be upset if they feel unappreciated for the work they do for the good of the group.

If you’re an ESFJ personality type, you can try a few key things to balance these feelings of stress.