the enterprising explorer

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ENTPs and relationships

People with ENTP preferences sometimes have a reputation for being challenging—in a good way! They are often appreciated by their friends, family members, and romantic partners for teaching them new things and suggesting helpful solutions to their problems. It’s not surprising that friends and loved ones turn to ENTPs in a crisis. They’re often great at problem-solving and handling stressful situations.

ENTPs and conflict

ENTPs are great at resolving other people’s conflicts. Pragmatic problem solvers, they tend to find it easy to stay objective and leave personal problems out of the situation. While they generally suggest innovative solutions, they may need to remind themselves to listen to both sides of the conflict before jumping in with a quick-fix solution.

ENTPs generally love a good debate, but others may find this style of conversation overwhelming or stressful. At times, ENTPs may need to keep their opinions in check or find new ways to communicate; otherwise, they could risk challenging others to the point that they become upset.

If you have ENTP preferences, you can minimize conflict in your relationships by:

  • Focusing on the practicalities of the situation rather than outside-the-box solutions.
  • Remembering that sometimes it’s important to find the root of a problem rather than a quick fix.
  • Talking less and listening more. Instead of continuing a debate when the other person gets upset, give them space to share their views.

ENTPs and love

People with ENTP preferences tend to enjoy partnerships and being in love. However, they don’t enjoy the emotional turmoil that can sometimes accompany a relationship. As a result, they often find partners who are independent and reserved, as this kind of person will typically handle problems on their own without needing too much emotional support.

ENTPs usually show their love for others by engaging in thoughtful conversation and spending quality time on mutually enjoyable activities. They do best in a relationship where both people can enjoy their freedom and independence.

Want to improve your relationships and learn more about your personality type? Take the MBTI® assessment here and receive our personal development course on getting along included with your purchase.

ENTPs and parenting

The MBTI® framework can be very helpful when it comes to raising children. Knowledge of your own communication habits, stress triggers, and preferences often makes parenting easier. By integrating an awareness of differences into family life, the whole family can benefit from these insights.

Parents with ENTP preferences are caring problem solvers. They value independence and self-reliance, and likely teach the same values to their children. They are ready and willing to help their children, but aren’t likely to coddle them or maintain high levels of support as their children grow into adulthood.

ENTP parents may become stressed if their children don’t listen to their advice, or if they feel they don’t know how to help their children with a problem.

If you have ENTP preferences and you think your child shares your Intuition and Thinking preferences, this can help you to understand how your child takes in information and makes decisions—both of which are important for how you communicate as a parent. If you think your child’s preferences are different than yours, self-awareness will help you to change your communication and parenting style to better suit those preferences.

ENTPs and friendship

As friends, ENTPs are helpful and energetic. They love challenging debates and friends who can keep up with their exciting conversation style. They often enjoy going for a long dinner with their friends and talking for hours about shared interests or the meaning of life—though oversharing personal problems can make them uncomfortable.

When a friend is going through a serious issue, people with ENTP preferences will be there to offer support or do the research to help them out.