What stresses you out based on your Myers-Briggs type

What stresses you out based on your Myers-Briggs type

Posted 18 April 2018 by
Melissa, MBTI Marketing Manager
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April is National Stress Awareness Month. So we have to ask: Do you know what stresses you out most? Just like your Myers-Briggs personality preferences can tell you about similarities or differences in personality, Myers-Briggs personality type can tell you about what likely gets on your nerves most.

In the U.S., stress costs employers an estimated $300 billion a year in health care costs and missed work. On a personal level, 77% of people regularly experience physical symptoms caused by stress.

What is stress? Dictionary.com defines stress (related to physiology) as “a specific response be the body to a stimulus, as fear or pain, that disturbs or interferes with the normal physiological equilibrium.”

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) defines stress as “harmful physical and emotional responses that occur when the requirements of the job don’t match the capabilities or resources of the worker.”

In the Psychology Today article Stress: It’s Worse Than You Think, the author talks about stress sensitization. Basically, studies have found your body reacts to stress the same way you would an allergy, becoming acutely more sensitive every time you encounter it.

“What happens is that sensitization leads the brain to rewire itself in response to stress. We know that what we’re encountering may be a normal, everyday episode of stress, but the brain is signaling the body to react inappropriately,” says psychologist Michael Meany, Ph.D. at McGill University.  So aside from the fact that stress is uncomfortable and unhealthy for you, reoccurring stress can actually make the situation worse through sensitization.

So what are the things proven to stress you out based on your Myers-Briggs personality type?

What stresses ISTJ types?
  • Challenging my bottom line approach
  • Mess or disorder
  • Abandoning or deviating from routine
  • Information being too broad with no specifics given
  • Being rushed
  • Denying my personal needs
  • Dismissing my logical decisions
  • Dismissing my established rules and regulations
What stresses ISFJ types?
  • Not being appreciated for the daily help I give
  • Procrastination and last-minute changes
  • Workplace conflict
  • Others’ inadequacy affecting my work
  • Insufficient time to prepare
  • Others repeating mistakes
  • Disregarding my established rules and regulations
  • Dismissing how I feel
What stresses INFJ types?
  • Not being appreciated for “making a difference”
  • Shortsightedness or Indecisiveness
  • Feeling misunderstood
  • Forced time management
  • Negativity from others
  • Inflexible work environment
  • Lack of closure
  • Ideas met with criticism
What stresses INTJ types?
  • Disorganized work environments
  • Micromanaging
  • Not having a goal in mind
  • Lack of initiative
  • Limited time to change plans
  • Talking about our feelings
  • Challenging my competence
  • Dismissing my logical decisions
  • Mindless rule followers
What stresses ISTP types?
  • Being forced into extraverted activities
  • Out-of-control emotions
  • Disregarding my practical realities
  • Lack of independence
  • Inability to logically assess situations
  • Forcing a decision
  • Challenging my bottom-line approach
  • Dismissing my analysis of a problem
  • Small talk
What stresses ISFP types?
  • Environments neglecting personal values
  • Too much happening all at once
  • Disregarding my practical realities
  • Time pressure
  • Dismissing what I feel
  • Lack of Understanding
  • Procedures limiting my freedom
What stresses INFP types?
  • People or work impeding on individuality
  • Time management required of me
  • Mundane work
  • Negativity from others
  • Critical responses or open disrespect
  • Shutting down my ideas
  • Being rushed
  • Unclear expectations
What stresses INTP types?
  • Dismissing my analysis of a problem
  • Socializing
  • Challenging my competence
  • Noise and other interruptions
  • Talking with people who don’t listen and I have to repeat myself
  • Following strict guidelines
  • Too many extraverted activities
  • Being in the spotlight
  • Others not understanding my ideas
  • Not finding the logic in situations
What stresses ESTP types?
  • Challenging my bottom line approach
  • Inefficiencies
  • Disregarding my practical realities
  • Isolation
  • Goals not resulting from efforts
  • Required planning
  • Quick decisions
  • Dismissing my analysis of a problem
What stresses ESFP types?
  • Not being appreciated for the daily help I give
  • Forcing a decision
  • Dismissing what I feel
  • Being uncertain of my purpose
  • Too much abstract information
  • Being restrained by a routine
  • Virtual training
  • Being unable to change commitments
  • Plans being overly (and unnecessarily) detailed
What stresses ENFP types?
  • Organization at the expense of creativity
  • Too many details
  • Endless detail
  • Lack of enthusiasm
  • Spreadsheets and procedures
  • Micromanaging and distrust
  • Long term plans
  • Forced to make decisions before feeling ready
  • Rules over relationships
  • Over commitment
What stresses ENTP types?
  • Being told to do something that's not stimulating or boring
  • Focusing on personal problems
  • Dismissing my analysis of a problem
  • Isolation
  • My competence isn’t respected
  • Too many details and deadlines
  • Inefficiency
  • Shutting down my ideas
What stresses ESTJ types?
  • Disregarding my established rules and regulations
  • Dismissing my logical decisions
  • Working with people who aren’t organized
  • Inefficiency and indecision
  • Lack of control
  • Being unable to complete commitments
  • Challenging my bottom line approach
  • Constant changes
What stresses ESFJ types?
  • Disregarding my established rules and regulations
  • Disrupting harmony
  • Lack of emotional support
  • Challenges to established procedures
  • Unintentionally treating others badly
  • Not being appreciated for the daily help I give
  • Dismissing how I feel
  • Isolation
  • Regulations
What stresses ENFJ types?
  • Working in uncooperative environments
  • Procrastination
  • No time for brainstorming
  • Seclusion
  • Excessive criticism
  • Not being appreciated
  • Dismissing how I feel
  • Harmony is disrupted
  • Short-sightedness
  • Unexpected changes
What stresses ENTJ types?
  • Misinformation
  • Inefficiency
  • Indecisiveness
  • Others challenging my competence
  • Lack of control
  • Inability to make decisions
  • Disregarding my logical decisions
  • Loneliness
  • Others ignoring established guidelines
  • Disorganization

How to identify stress in your life

First, take a look at the above list and write down each thing under your Myers-Briggs type that rings true for you. Remember, though there are similarities in what stresses us out, Myers-Briggs type is just one measure of your personality and humans are really, really complex. Next, add anything that you know stresses you out that’s not on the above list.

Also take a look at the blog about signs of stress for each Myers-Briggs type. You might not be aware of some of your behaviors that are common cues of stress for your personality type.

Take a look at your list. Then think about (and write down if you wish) the last few times you felt stressed out. What was the situation? What caused the stress for you? Were you stressed but anyone else in the situation wasn’t stressed by the same things? What were the physical or emotional symptoms of stress you felt?

Now, think about or look at your last few examples of stress and answer the following questions:
  1. Was the cause of stress something I could control (I didn’t study enough for an exam or presentation)? Or was it something that was out of my control (my roommates or kids were fighting with each other)?
  2. If there were other people involved in the situation, did you let them know about your feelings of stress (because sometimes what stresses you out may be no big deal to someone else).
  3. What could you have done to help yourself feel less stressed during the situation? Some examples of this could be calling or messaging someone who cares about you to vent, journaling or writing down your feelings and experiences, removing yourself from the situation, going for a walk or just being outside in nature, meditating, doing something to get your mind off the situation such as playing video games?
  4. Read this blog about managing stress for each Myers-Briggs type. Are there any things on this list you could add to your own stress management techniques?