Planning a vacation? MBTI® type dynamics can help

Planning a vacation? MBTI type dynamics can help

Posted 17 May 2023 by
Vanessa, MBTIonline Contributing Writer
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5 min. read

One of the most interesting aspects of personality type is how we make decisions. If you’re like me (INFP), you might feel indecisive about many things because you second guess yourself. Or maybe you’re like my friend Emily (ESTJ). Her path to a conclusion—like where to go on vacation—is much more logical and linear.

We all use the Thinking or Feeling processes to evaluate information and make decisions. But it’s actually a lot more nuanced than that, thanks to something called type dynamics. Our four mental processes (Sensing, Intuition, Thinking, Feeling) each have different “attitudes” (Extraversion or Introversion). This creates the eight Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) patterns of mental activity:

  1. Se: extraverted Sensing
  2. Si: introverted Sensing
  3. Ne: extraverted Intuition
  4. Ni: introverted Intuition
  5. Te: extraverted Thinking
  6. Ti: introverted Thinking
  7. Fe: extraverted Feeling
  8. Fi: introverted Feeling

If this sounds complicated, stick with me. Let’s look at some real-life examples. Below is how each of those eight MBTI patterns handle decision-making. Pro tip: read the whole blog, not just the section for your personality type. The goal is to practice using all eight patterns to help you make better decisions.

How ESTP and ESFP personality types make decisions

If your personality type is ESTP or ESFP, you use extraverted Sensing (Se). This means you evaluate information quicky and can easily assess the reality of a situation. Your decisions solve problems. Let’s say you’re thinking about where to go on vacation. Here are the questions you might ask yourself:

Types that often forget to use Se during decision-making: INTJ and INFJ.

How ISTJ and ISFJ personality types make decisions

If your personality type is ISTJ or ISFJ, you use introverted Sensing (Si). When you evaluate information, you relate it to things you’ve experienced in the past. After careful consideration, your decisions are deliberate and definite. Here are questions you might ask yourself while you plan a vacation:

Types that may forget to use Si during decision-making: ENFP and ENTP.

How ENFP and ENTP personality types make decisions

If your personality type is ENFP or ENTP, you use extraverted Intuition (Ne). This means you consider all possibilities and “what ifs” as you evaluate information. Your decisions are creative and help others see beyond what’s in front of them. Here are questions you might ask while you plan a vacation:

Types that may forget to use Ne during decision-making: ISTJ and ISFJ.

How INTJ and INFJ personality types make decisions

If your personality type is INTJ or INFJ, you use introverted Intuition (Ni). This means you focus on big-picture possibilities when you evaluate information. Your decision isn’t made until you explore all options and perceptions. Here are questions you might ask yourself while you plan a vacation:

Types that may forget to use Ni during decision-making: ESFP and ESTP.

How ESTJ and ENTJ personality types make decisions

If your personality type is ESTJ or ENTJ, you use extraverted Thinking (Te). This means you evaluate information in a logical and objective way. Your decisions are quick and assertive. Here are questions you might ask yourself while you plan a vacation:

Types that may forget to use Te during decision-making: INFP and ISFP.

How ISTP and INTP personality types make decisions

If your personality type is ISTP or INTP, you use introverted Thinking (Ti). This means you evaluate information to create order and find the “correct” answer to a problem. Your decisions are logical and can seem detached from feeling. Here are questions you might ask yourself while you plan a vacation:

Types that may forget to use Ti during decision-making: ENFJ and ESFJ.

How ESFJ and ENFJ personality types make decisions

If your personality type is ESFJ or ENFJ, you use extraverted Feeling (Fe). This means you evaluate information based on how your choice will affect others. Your decisions are facilitative and compassionate. Here are questions you might ask yourself while you plan a vacation:

Types that may forget to use Fe during decision-making: INTP and ISTP.

How ISFP and INFP personality types make decisions

If your personality type is ISFP or INFP, you use introverted Feeling (Fi). This means you evaluate information through a specific set of inner values. Your decisions are guided by your conscience. Here are questions you might ask yourself while you plan a vacation:

Types that may forget to use Fi during decision-making: ENTJ and ESTJ.

The best decision you can make today

Think about the best decisions you’ve made. Many times, those choices came about in a balanced way, where several different factors were considered. That’s what we’re trying to do here—intentionally use all eight mental patterns so we make well-rounded decisions (beyond just where to go for vacation). To learn more about type dynamics, consider downloading the Introduction to Type® Dynamics and Development booklet.

And if you haven’t figured out your main MBTI personality type yet, take the assessment. It might be the best decision you make today.