Need a self-esteem boost? Your MBTI personality type can help

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Need a self-esteem boost? Your MBTI personality type can help.

Posted 23 October 2024 by
Vanessa Bradford
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I used to think confidence and self-esteem were the same thing. But the longer I considered it, the more I realized that while the two might be related, they’re ultimately different. Confidence has to do with how competent you feel in certain environments or doing specific tasks. Self-esteem has to do with how much you value and accept yourself, no matter the circumstances.

While both are different, they’re equally important. We recently explored how to build confidence using your personality type. Now let’s shift the focus to self-esteem—which can also be improved with personality type insights. In fact, Clinical Psychologist and Professor at the University of Texas at Austin, Dr. Ray Hawkins, says that the results and insights you get from the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) assessment can be used as a “map for self-esteem building.” It’s a great tool to have in your back pocket if you’d like to grow as a person and in your career.

Ultimately, the MBTI assessment reveals your innermost preferences, motivations, communication style, decision-making process, development areas, and more.

It also offers a closer look at your natural strengths, which are especially important to learn when developing self-esteem. I don’t know about you, but I tend to get tunnel vision for all of my shortcomings, and it can be difficult to snap out of that cycle of negative self-talk. It’s almost like I need to step outside of myself for a moment to view my strengths for what they are—gifts.

Whether you’re starting from zero or already have pretty good self-esteem, it’s helpful to remind yourself of the strengths you bring when you’re functioning at your best. Below are just a few of those strengths, based on MBTI personality type. Take these to heart and try not to forget how awesome you are.

ISTJ personality types: you’re trustworthy, straightforward, and steadfast

If you have preferences for ISTJ, you’re loyal and committed and you tend to bring calmness and consistency to the people around you.

ISTP personality types: you’re observant, insightful, and independent

If you have preferences for ISTP, you’re highly adaptable, quick to solve a problem, and always willing to help.

ESTP personality types: you’re energetic, driven, and magnetic

If you have preferences for ESTP, you’re probably known as the maverick in your group of friends. You have a knack for getting people motivated and moving toward a goal.

ESTJ personality types: you’re decisive, dependable, and efficient

If you have preferences for ESTJ, you’re a natural leader with a motivating, no-nonsense outlook on life.

ISFJ personality types: you’re warm, considerate, and determined

If you have preferences for ISFJ, you have an impressive ability to sense exactly what others need and just how to help them.

ISFP personality types: you’re observant, supportive, and considerate

If you have preferences for ISFP, you have a knack for finding commonalities between even the most diverse groups of people. You can figure out what people need.

ESFP personality types: you’re adventurous, encouraging, and inclusive

If you have preferences for ESFP, you know how to make things happen in the most creative ways. Your ability to live in the moment and genuinely enjoy life is inspiring to the people around you.

ESFJ personality types: you’re conscientious, caring, and warm

If you have preferences for ESFJ, you’re probably the glue that holds your friends and family together. You’re supportive and like to make others feel special.

INFJ personality types: you’re inspiring, compassionate, and astute

If you have preferences for INFJ, you’re a visionary with a big heart. When you let your natural empathy and organizational skills combine, you have a positive influence on the people in your circle.

INFP personality types: you’re perceptive, thoughtful, and imaginative

If you have preferences for INFP, you’re committed to your values and aren’t swayed by things that don’t reflect those values. You’re very good at helping others recognize their own needs.

ENFP personality types: you’re vibrant, innovative, and insightful

If you have preferences for ENFP, you can’t help but be one of the most engaging people in the room. You have no shortage of ideas and kind words, so you naturally make others feel motivated and seen.

ENFJ personality types: you’re motivational, encouraging, and collaborative

If you have preferences for ENFJ, you make teamwork and harmony look easy to achieve. Your social, personable demeanor makes others feel encouraged and understood.

INTJ personality types: you’re structured, conceptual, and determined

If you have preferences for INTJ, you’re a natural visionary with a solid plan of action. Your ability to combine creative insights with logical thinking is often admired by others.

INTP personality types: you’re independent, driven, and reflective

If you have preferences for INTP, you’re easygoing, considerate, and like to work independently. You bring calm analysis to different situations.

ENTP personality types: you’re enterprising, determined, and resourceful

If you have preferences for ENTP, your outside-the-box thinking is a great tool in your arsenal. Your natural ability to see patterns and connections where others cannot is highly motivating.

ENTJ personality types: you’re assertive, structured, and decisive

If you have preferences for ENTJ, you’ve got the whole “cool, calm, decisive” thing down. You motivate others and thrive when you can set goals and act efficiently.

Want to continue building self-esteem and confidence? Take the MBTI assessment to learn more about your unique journey of personal and professional development.