Kickstart your self-improvement by understanding your MBTI learning style

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Kickstart your self-improvement by understanding your MBTI learning style

Posted 08 September 2022 by
Vanessa, MBTIonline Contributing Writer
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The way we learn can affect how successful and confident we become. When an environment isn’t conducive to our natural learning style, it can feel confusing, daunting, or even embarrassing.

Think about a college student who learns best in a practical, hands-on way. If that student has to sit in back-to-back lectures where information is only presented in “big picture” concepts, it may not bode well for their grades or persistence in school. In fact, we learned just how common (and dire) this kind of situation is in a previous post about the four personality types least likely to graduate college.

The good news is that we can always improve. And one of the ways to kickstart self-improvement is by learning something new. In this way, we can all benefit when we understand differences in individual learning styles.

And knowing about MBTI personality type can help us with that.

In fact, educators who vary their teaching styles can motivate and reach a wider range of students. The same goes for employee training, parent-child relationships, and so much more. Here’s how each of the 16 MBTI personality types learn best:

Learning Styles of Introverted Personality Types

INTJ personality types typically question things before they decide whether to accept or reject them. They thrive in learning environments that empower them to:

INTP personality types like to work with abstract and complex ideas. They prefer learning environments that enable them to:

ISTJ personality types are sometimes referred to as the “logical assimilators.” They need learning environments that allow them to:

ISTP personality types seek immediate results and practical applications. They are motivated by learning environments that help them:

INFJ personality types like to learn about ideas that help them create or implement projects that benefit people. They need learning environments that enable them to:

INFP personality types are drawn to concepts and big picture possibilities. They enjoy learning environments that give them freedom to:

ISFJ personality types are compassionate and collaborative. They thrive in learning environments that empower them to:

ISFP personality types are natural observers. They prefer learning environments that enable them to:

Learning Styles of Extraverted Personality Types

ENTJ personality types are all about precision. They enjoy learning environments that enable them to:

ENTP personality types are logical and assertive. They like learning environments that give them freedom to:

ESTJ personality types prefer to learn in practical, step-by-step ways. They thrive in learning environments that empower them to:

ESTP personality types are logical, critical, and responsive. They prefer learning environments that enable them to:

ENFJ personality types are interested in how big picture concepts can impact personal development. They like learning environments that enable them to:

ENFP personality types tend to be supportive and compassionate learners. They thrive in learning environments that give them freedom to:

ESFJ personality types like to learn about things that are useful and relevant to their current situation. They are motivated by learning environments that help them:

ESFP personality types tend to be social and collaborative. They need learning environments that enable them to:

Want to learn more? (pun intended)

Check out these other articles about learning style:

Which MBTI Personality Types Are Least Likely to Graduate College? 

How to Use Your Personality Type to Enable a Growth Mindset