INTJ Personality Types and Stress

Posted 03 May 2018 by
Melissa, MBTI Marketing Manager
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Last time we talked about people with preferences for ENFP and stress. This time, we'll cover the personality type INTJ and stress. If you missed the first two blogs in the stress series, they were What Stresses You Out Based on Your Myers-Briggs Type and How to Calm Job Interview Nerves Based on Your Myers-Briggs Type.


Our research team explored the causes and effects of stress within a number of top professions in the U.S. Based on data gathered from more than 800,000 people that have taken the official Myers-Briggs® assessment and information our research team has about personality type and occupations, below are a few common occupations along with insight into the Myers-Briggs personality type most commonly self-selecting into that profession.

Even if you don’t know anyone in these occupations, or you aren’t this Myers-Briggs type and don’t know anyone with these preferences read the below to get a new perspective on things that stress others out, and how they react to it.

Self-awareness always starts with you, but the other side of self-awareness is understanding how you’re different from others.

INTJ Personality Types

People with INTJ preferences enjoy being challenged intellectually and working in a fast-paced, achievement-oriented environment.

They relish the opportunity to work with people who are experts in their field. They prefer to work independently with opportunities to develop their own ideas. Their visionary nature suggests that they tend to enjoy theoretical and conceptual work. Appealing industries for people who prefer INTJ include those in scientific or technical industries.

Common careers that people with INTJ personality types tend to gravitate towards include survey researcher, natural sciences manager, medical scientist, plant scientist, nuclear engineer, management consultant, architect or a manager or supervisor of architects.

But remember, just because you have preferences for INTJ doesn't mean you'll always be successful in one of the above careers. What it does mean is that people with INTJ preferences choose these careers over others because the requirements and work style style best aligns with their personality strengths.

Blog: Using Myers-Briggs Type to Find Your Career Fit

Read the below insights into the personality type (INTJ) that is most common among Psychiatrists (this personality type is also prevalent among Medical Scientists):

Under normal circumstances:

Described by others as:

Signs of stress:

Read signs of stress for each Myers-Briggs personality type.

What Causes Stress:

Read what causes stress for each Myers-Briggs type.

Tips for Managing Stress:

Read about managing stress for all Myers-Briggs personality types.

Worst ways they can respond to stress:

How others can be most helpful:

How others can make things worse:

Want to see more information like this? Learn about your own personality type and stress by taking the official Myers-Briggs assessment and getting access to the information in the personality type portal.